May 17, 2024

How Clean Canvas Used AI to Deflect 9% of Support Tickets in 1 Month

How Clean Canvas Used AI to Deflect 9% of Support Tickets in 1 Month

Learn how Clean Canvas integrated kapa's Conversation API into their contact form to deflect 9% of support tickets with AI-powered responses.

Helpful Summary

  • Overview: Clean Canvas, a leading Shopify theme development agency, implemented kapa's Conversation API to enhance their contact form and reduce support ticket volume.

  • Why Trust Us: The case study provides concrete data on the implementation's success, showing a significant reduction in support tickets.

  • Why It Matters: AI-powered solutions can significantly improve customer experience and reduce the workload on support teams.

  • Action Points: Consider implementing similar AI solutions in customer support channels to deflect common queries and improve efficiency.

  • Further Research: Explore kapa's Conversation API and other AI-powered support solutions for potential implementation in your business.

The Build: A Two-Step Contact Form Enhanced with AI

Clean Canvas implemented a two-step contact form process:

  1. The first part gathers the product/theme, subject, and message - the key info needed for the Conversation API.

  2. Upon clicking to proceed, the API generates a reply to the question which is displayed to the user. Here's an example of calling the API with a user's question:

curl -X GET \
'<KAPA_API_ENDPOINT>/query/v1?query=How+do+I+change+my+favicon?' \
  1. The user can then exit if their question was answered, or continue to submit the form.

Cleancanvas contact form AI enhancement

This allows the AI to provide assistance in context, right where the customer's focus already is, allowing them to get an immediate answer without having to wait for a support rep.

The Results: A 9% Drop in Ticket Volume

In the 28 days following the deployment of the AI-enhanced contact form, Clean Canvas observed a significant reduction in form submissions. The page-hit/submit ratio decreased from a previous range of 52-56% to just 44%.

This 9% reduction in submissions, with approximately 2,000 visitors interacting with the contact form during that month, equates to an estimated 174 support tickets deflected. This means about 44 fewer tickets per week that the support staff needed to address.

Clean Canvas Ticket Deflection Chart

Next Steps: UX Polish and Smarter Prompts

After this successful initial trial, Clean Canvas now plans to further refine the UX and polish the design of the AI-enhanced form. They're also exploring improvements to the AI prompts to make the responses even more helpful.

By intelligently utilizing AI to assist customers at key touchpoints, Clean Canvas was able to significantly reduce their support volume while still providing timely help to their users. Tools like kapa's Conversation API make it easier than ever to reap the benefits of AI for support and beyond.

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